Announcing Book A Rama camps. This is a space for elementary-middle school age kids to design games. The name Book A Rama came about because the games will all grow out of the pages of a favorite book chosen by the designer. During camp time, we will also do activities to become completely absorbed in the topics of our games-in-development: crafts, journal writing, research and cooking projects.
The first phase will be research and story boarding. During later sessions, we will use GameStar Mechanic or Kodu to put together a game prototype, or may create a board or card game, video production or comic.
Book A Rama will meet alternate Fridays, after school until early evening. Once a month I will offer a parent's night out/monthly movie night opportunity option. Movies will be selected based on the game topics and G or PG only.
Here are tentative dates for fall:
Sept. 12, 25
Oct. 10, 24
Nov. 7, 21
Game show: Dec. 5
I will also offer Winter Break camps. Coaching and support available electronically throughout : )
Suggested age range: 9-12 yrs
This is a pilot project, so prices will be very low. Contact me directly for more information! thanks!!