Technology is not necessarily a subject for students but instead it is part of every minute. Yet, interest in coding and tech careers can be elusive.
Research based ideas:
Media production: This link is to a paper by Rich, Perry and Guzdial describing an undergraduate course that drew women into the computer science field.
Social issue/tech for good: Elaine: it says Not why but what? Needs to have a meaning. Girls make a website for how to boost enrollment for girls in STEM program. 'Let's make a page- we can be one of the stations that we can show what we do'
Tinkering and making (see dollhouse and high tech textile ideas below)
What are some strategies that you have found effective?
Social issue games: The above case study (link) discusses two 6th grade girls and their
experience making a game about an issue important to them, teen
pregnancy and drop out prevention.
Girl Scouts of USA research and personal experience have shown me that engagement in a cause that has personal resonance can be highly motivating. Many girls cite an interest in changing the world as a factor in choosing a career path.
Black Girls Code: go to Past Events on site, for examples of the following
Media production
Web page production
iPod Film making
Other ideas:
Robotics programs
Contests, such as the National STEM Video Game Challenge
Mentoring programs
High Tech Textile Design
ADA fruit
Roominate (DIY dollhouse)
Suggestions about grant funding:
Local electric companies
Region 10
Other ideas:
Saint Ignatius: Uses students as the Tech crew, architect
technovation- NSF funded- girls get together to create android apps with MIT app inventor
Girl Startup- in San Antonio
Hole in the Wall school
A very thorough list of game making environments: Digital Game Making Environments
Dot Alice
App building tools:
Touchapp Creator
Blockly Maze (demo)
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